
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Where have I been all of my life. . .

Okay, I had to hibernate while I got every application in the mail. Colleges are now starting to take a look at me, and for the first time I'm starting to get really nervous. I've had myself judged before. I am a musician - competition is a way of life. I thrived on competition when playing the cello was a great challenge and a lot of fun. Now I've found what I really have a passion for, and I'm concerned that the stars won't align in my favor. I'm getting unnecessarily negative here. . .

Our house has had a grand total of zero looks. It's a beautiful house, but the market here is awful. Hopefully things will pick up after the holidays. Speaking of which, it's going to be a crazy-fun Hanukkah. We are going to be doing all kinds of things, and I found my husband some great gifts. Now I need to think about the rest of my family. Oy. I know that Purim is supposed to be the season of giving, but it's hard not to get into the spirit living in America.

I went to a wonderful lecture by Deborah Lipstadt yesterday. She was talking about her trial against David Irving. I'm so impressed with her, because she's not out to prove that the Holocaust happened, she's out to prove that people like David Irving are liars and poor scholars. The amount of material she's accumulated on him and his supporters is mind-boggling. He came out looking absolutely ridiculous in the trial. That kind of knowledge, ability, and integrity really impresses me. She's am amazing person, and I encourage you to look up her work at Emory University - it's amazing.

Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go grocery shopping after I take a brief break to look at pictures of obscure breeds of mice. Rodents fascinate me.

1 comment:

DC Med Student said...

Congratulations on getting all those applications in! Now comes the worst part: the waiting. Hang in there!