
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Shout Out

My friend from work introduced me to "Conversate is not a word." Fantabulous (also not a word)! You must check it out.

I am a deadly honest person. I pride myself on that. However, it sometimes gets me into trouble. I remember when Eminem first made his way into the light. I remember thinking, "Well, at least anybody can be called the 'N' word now." Kind of takes the edge off. In fact, I loved it. It is the ghetto culture that I can't stand. It has nothing to do with skin color, but I'd be stoned to death if I came out and said that.

There is a culture of ignorance and blame that pervades the "ghetto," or shall I call it "urban centers" or "the community?" As a white person, I'm really not supposed to write this, but to hell with it. Anyone can be great, if they give a damn long enough to find their potential.

If you fail, you fail. I'm not going to medical school because I'm brilliant. Hardly. Far from it. I've worked so hard for this. I'm going to continue to work. I want this badly enough to go and get it. Surprise! Your wonderful life isn't going to be handed to you.

Do we need to help boost people up who've been given a rough lot? I think so. If I had a cello student who couldn't pay, but wanted to learn and was willing to work - no questions asked, I'd do it for free. And yes, I've taught a lot of free lessons. Life isn't fair, but don't come whining to me. If you want something, go get it. No excuses. Happy belated Juneteenth - to those who risked everything because they gave a damn.

PS Niggardly means to be stingy. It has nothing to do with a horrible racial slur, even etymologists agree. Sorry David Howard - fired due to gross incompetence. My country embarrasses me. Sweet land of liberty. . .

PPS Destroy your TV


Tea N. Crumpet said...

I was on campus when a fire breathing Evangelical started spouting off about how Cincinnati was a city of sin-- as Wisconsin was a STATE of sin-- and he took it to many levels. It was silly and my fellow students started rolling with him, he thought he was hot, as they stood up adding to it and yelling, "A-MEN."

Then we all pelted him with wadded up notebook paper.

Jason Fruit said...

That was honest, brutal, and dead-on - almost as brutally honest and deadly perceptive as Conversate is Not a Word. Race aside, most people of average intelligence can accomplish almost anything they are dedicated enough to work for. It's sad that both in the ghetto and out of it, a lot of us seem to be learning that our value to society is not dependent on what we achieve.

T'n'C - I don't get it. What's the relation between the post and your comment? Usually, I can follow your quirky thinking, but not this time . . .

T.Allen said...

I wholeheartedly agree with what you've written and, more and more I am coming across those who dare to give a damn out loud. You can imagine as a black woman married to a white man just about everything I say about urban sub-culture is dismissed as the 'white washed ramblings of a wanna be'. Meh.Continue to make your voice heard because unfortunately enough for the rest of us, those other planets aren't move-in ready. Stupid exists and it reproduces the only way to keep from being buried under it is to keep your head and voice above the rest.


Unknown said...

T. A-M: What an honor to have you post atop my blog. I checked out your work and am most impressed. You shall be added to my "Interesting Blog" list.

One thing that will never change about me is honesty. It's the most important virtue to me. I always attempt to think before I speak, but never will I ever compromise what I believe. Thanks for being one of those refreshing voices, too.

Tea, I have to agree with Mister Brilliant (Latin Master) - I don't follow. Mockery isn't okay, even if he was totally out-there. If you can beat him verbally, then you win, if not, sit down.