
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Bit of Poetry for You

Excuse me
how do you get to
the train station?
You know what -
I'll just walk until I find it
No really,
I like the rain
We understand each other
I've nowhere to go anyhow
it's kind of nice
I don't have a change of clothes
I'm already soaked
It's pretty funny actually
and besides
I don't have any money
it sure beats the hell out
of where I've been
what I've seen
what I've done
I love the smell of
summer rain on flowers
and fresh-cut grass
Sometimes I wish I was
a tree-
unless you're too tall
lightening and all
but at any rate
I should let you get going
but hey
you really should get out in the rain more
What's that?
Sure you can come too

This one I composed in a coffee-shop amidst unhappy and lonely people:

Metallic sculptures
hard lines
consummate angles
Friendly conversation
little glimpses
into unknown lives
beautiful faces
shining eyes
troubled smile lines
big soft chairs to cushion
like arms
the ones that don't hold you
Happy music
for sad people


Jeffrey Parks MD FACS said...

Good stuff.

Unknown said...

Thank you, and I fixed a typo. Oops.

Jeffrey Parks MD FACS said...

I cant tell what you fixed kiddo.

Unknown said...

I changed "trouble" in the second poem to "troubled." A minor change, but an important one.