
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I Have Learned my Lesson!

I was going to write about how my husband and I met, but that will have to wait, this was too good not to write about.

Jason and I were going to a rehearsal, and afterward decided to get Chinese food. Okay, that's horribly unkosher, but sometimes one needs broccoli beef. Or so I thought. . .

We get our meals and are sitting there chatting when I look up to see one of the workers cleaning the back wall behind the woks. He's using a mop. I of course am assuming that the red handle means this mop is for the wall only. How woefully wrong I was.

After he finishes with the wall, right over the woks - he did not move them - he starts cleaning the floor! With the same mop! I thought I was going to hurl. Then Jason noticed that he was rinsing his mop out in one of the woks filled with hot, soapy water! I am not kidding.

At least the water was hot and soapy. . .No! This was disgusting. I am not a superstitious person, but if ever I have felt God's finger tapping me on the shoulder reminding me that I shouldn't eat treif, this was it. I was punished. Lesson learned. No more Christmas Chinese food dates. . .

1 comment:

Tea N. Crumpet said...

OK, now I KNOW that my nine year old son is doubling as a Chinese cook in NYC. . .