
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Okay, so I'm a totally green when it comes to medicine. I am but a mere fledgling. So my genius self thought it best to apply to 15 MD schools that I really liked, and then to DO schools soon as time permits. I figured I'd get good and rejected by at least 5 right out of the blocks, but no, I do believe there is a money-factor here, I received 15 secondary application invites! On the one hand, I'm excited, on the other I'm wondering, "How the heck am I going to pay for this?" And come on - I was looking forward to framing my rejection letter from Johns Hopkins. I love John. I'd let him use me. I absolutely love that school. I love what they do there. I love their programs. I love how much thinking and real learning seems to go on there. So alas, I will suck it up and pay John. I feel kind of dirty.

I've also gotten back into weightlifting. I used to lift in high school, then I got awfully (okay really really) skinny, then I got chubby and lazy. So now, I'm trying to bulk up and get my muscle back, and then lose weight if I can. I do have a terrible weakness for the cookie. In fact, that was my first word. I figure it would look really bad to go to interviews looking rather portly. Who trusts a fat doctor? All right, I would, but that's beside the point.

I still want to be a surgeon. Did you know I've never looked up how much different surgeons get paid? I don't want to know. I want to choose based on what I really want to do. However, the pressure of taking care of my parents is a little intimidating. They definitely did not plan their money very well.

Any surgeons out there living near Cleveland? Can I come and watch some stuff? I really miss the OR. I'm a nice young lady, and I am very well behaved (especially when it matters).


Anonymous said...

I trust fat doctors - but I don't trust any skinny people. Anyone with that much will-power could be up to anything, and you'd never know it. Benedict Arnold, Joseph Goebbels, Antenor - see a pattern? All of them skinny, all of them traitors.

Anonymous said...

Come to Alaska. It nicer up here. You'll get paid well and your parents will love it.

DC Med Student said...

LOL! Loved the Johns Hopkins bit!

The medicine track is very expensive. You're always draining your bank account or feeding your credit card balances for one thing or another. It begins with MCAT prep and then sitting for the MCAT itself. Then it's med school apps and interviews. Once in school, it's books, your medical instruments, and Board prep. Not to mention sitting for your Boards (Steps 1, 2CK, and 2CS -- 2CS requiring travel to one of 5 testing centers in the country), applying to residencies and interviewing at the programs.. .

You're going to be in a lot of debt no matter how you look at it, so apply away!

Unknown said...

dc - my brother said the same thing. Just suck it up and apply, because the last thing I want is to pass up an opportunity. However, my brother is in massive amounts of debt, and I'm not sure I want to emulate that.

Sid Schwab said...

The chief of vascular surgery at University Hospitals in Cleveland is a really good friend of mine, and a really nice guy (nice guy, surgeon: believe it or not.) I'd bet he'd be happy to work out some sort of visit for a premed, especially one already accepted to med school. If you're interested, come on over to my blog and let me know. My email is in the profile.

Hopkins has always been, and remains, in the upper echelons. Personally I like the Dungeness crabs of the West Coast a lot more than those soft-shell things they serve in Baltimore. But it's probably not a basis for decision making.

Unknown said...

Dr. Schwab! I'm shocked! You are not a crab-eating man! Okay, they are pretty darn good, but I try not to eat them. Pork is right out though, I won't go there. I'll be popping over to your blog soon. That opportunity sounds amazing. I owe you a great big latte - or BK mocha Joe. You choose.