
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


The applications are in the mail, along with my transcripts. It was actually a lot of fun filling out the application, because it was not just a boring resume-type of application. I had the chance to really think about me and the things I've done and put that on paper (screen?). I decided to show my personality a bit. When I wrote about my work/activities I added some detail that shows my character, not just what I accomplished. I imagine they get tons of those. . ."I was president of my class and graduated Summa cum Laude. . .," boring! I knitted mittens, wrote poetry, and tried to save the world through research and humanitarian aid.

My essay was also a lot of fun to write. I wrote several drafts. I changed topics. I tried all kinds of things until I found one that really reflected who I am. I condensed it down to one page. I tried to get as much information, as clearly stated as possible, into one very readable, and hopefully enjoyable page. Sweet.

At my work I pose as a chemist. No really, I am a chemist, but I don't tell them I'm going off to medical school in a year. It's so hard to kill myself everyday for the government and not talk about my future goals. Though I do have an awesome job, and it is the most stressful, horrible thing I've ever done in my life, I get to work with some fascinating stuff. . .damn I wish I could talk about it, but it's classified information. No really, it is. I think that's one of the reasons it's interesting - it's super-secret, and that's kind of exhilarating.

On a completely unrelated side note: my cats are precious, and my husband is the best.

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