
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Incompetence in our Midst

This is too good not to talk about. So I went to a job interview this morning. A 20 minute drive during rush hour - job interview. You know how sometimes you just have a sense of impending doom? I did. I walked in the door and saw the place swarming with women over 275 lbs. Now, I have no problem with obese people, I have a problem with a job that seems to foster binge eating. So I am greeted with plenty of tight clothes with tacky cartoon characters on them. . .not a good first impression. The women were all complaining and whining from the time I opened the door. I fill out the application materials first. Why? Protocol. I don't even know what the position is yet. . .

So I finish with my paperwork and my interviewer comes out with more breast than I have ever seen in my life. She, in fact, was larger than life, and not in a healthy way. So she starts by asking me (from a script) why I feel I would be qualified for this job. I answer, " I don't know what the job is yet, we were going to talk about my options today." Well now I've gone and derailed her speech after using too many big words. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'm sooooo sorry. Yeah, um, the positions are ____, ____, and ____." I ask, "Aren't those all the same position at different locations?" "Well, um, yes, but, yeah, that's pretty much it. I don't have any management positions open right now." Okay Anne, breathe, don't say anything you feel like saying. . .Shit too late -

"Look, I've run my own company for a decade now. I started a program similar to yours in the first grade. I am a college graduate with top honors. I gave you my resume ahead of time." She responds, "I'm sooooo sorry, I know, I know. This was such a waste of your time. I should have told you over the phone." Damn it, now I feel bad. "It's okay, you know, why don't you keep my resume on file and call me if a position opens up. I appreciate your time."

Any company that seems to have "emotional eaters" is not making their employees happy - I don't need that. I think I'll go paint my living room now. On a lighter note, my interview yesterday went really well. I hope I get that position. I just had to share that; it was too good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really why I got out of social work.