
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Music School and Sex

People often ask me about the children that I don't have. "So, if you have children, would you have them play an instrument?" Tough question. If we did choose to pullulate, would I want my child to potentially end up in music school? No, and no.

Ever read Mozart in the Jungle? Unfortunately it's very accurate. It's about a rising young musician in music school. She talks about all the drugs, drinking, and strange sexual happenings. Now, to the outsider this sounds like heaven. It's not. You see, eventually we all grew up, and took our baggage with us. Professional musicians never seem to be able to cut the ties though. I can't think of any really world famous performers that don't abuse at least one of the the three biggies.

Thankfully, I managed to stay away from two of the three vices - mostly. It's extremely difficult to be moral in an environment that is supposed to encourage passion. When one is in the situation of proving themselves to be an artist, emotions get very messed-up.

In chemistry, I've been told, once you're in the professional realm, you prove your worth. Nobody cares if you're a hack, you just keep on doing what you're doing and nobody takes you seriously. This is similar to music, and it can be devastating. In chemistry you keep plugging away until you come up with something you can do. In music you either have enough talent and artistry or you don't.

I chose to leave the profession when I realized that the dishonesty and the very unhealthy lifestyle were part of the job description. I could sleep my way to the top. I could drink a lot, sell my soul, and take every gig that came my way. I could get a PhD to prove that I'm worthy of teaching a new batch of eager young students - only to get one or two in my lifetime that would ever "make it." It is a very depressing field. I had to get out.

Part of this emotional immaturity is the nature of art. Musicians are responsible for creating emotions. Their function is to move people. My teacher used to say, "It doesn't matter that your wife just walked-out on you. You still have a concerto to perform." It's so true. Awful things can happen, but the performance goes on. This is absolutely suffocating. The musician learns to not nurture themselves. Eventually this turns into reckless child-like behavior, and the longer one is in the profession, the worse it gets. The reason is this - just like a small child - musicians are crying out for attention, and they get it by doing everything imaginable.

The solution - music schools have a responsibility to turn down the ones who aren't going to make it. However, the programs would be tiny. I don't know how to counteract that. I know they have to make a profit, but they are doing it at a huge cost.


Unknown said...

I know little about music, sadly enough tis not one of my talents. I'm also not sure if your post had much to do about sex, but using it in the title was a great way to get my attention.

Jeffrey Parks MD FACS said...

I had no idea. Sounds like the nick bolleteri tennis academy with 14 year old jennifer capriati strung out and defeated. (Classic mug shot). I always wondered about symphonies. I see a group of thirty or forty people. Who chooses them? Is there really such a difference in talent when it comes down to picking the fifth flute person or the dude who pings the xylophone once every thirty minutes or the woman way in the back who plays something that looks like a violin but is bigger?

Unknown said...

petri - I did that on purpose. I've been a musician since I was a kid. Bad habits die hard, but I'd like to think my morals are much better then they were. . .

Dr. B.S. (aka Buckeye Surgeon) - The competition is extremely fierce. The only open spot might be 5th chair flute. The person who gets the position may be the best player in the section. Also, there are people from all over the world who audition. For example - over 200 cellists may audition for a spot with the Cleveland Orchestra. Only one person is going to get the gig.