
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


This whole being an adult thing really sucks. I've never been under so much stress in my life. Every day I sink deeper and deeper into debt. Selling a house in this market is nearly impossible, and everyone I owe money to is starting to notice. Also, the job market is not so good which is making me tense as hell. In fact I, Miss Stoic, had a very nice cry fest today.

Serendipity came to my rescue! As I was holding my little pity me party the phone rang. I have an interview tomorrow, and in my inbox another potential offer. Both sound like great jobs too. Perhaps I should have starting crying sooner. . .

Now my usually positive and self-ingratiating self would normally be thrilled, but I am a bit nervous. What if they turn me down? What if they only offer $7.50 an hour? What if they won't work around my class schedule? What if my skirt wrinkles in my non-air conditioned car?!

Every day I sell my soul to Home Depot in a desperate attempt to make our little abode look appealing. The credit card moguls are starting to tap their fingers together saying, "Excellent. . ." in that demonic and utterly terrifying sort of way.

I have only one pair of khakis! My cats need more toys! Damn I wish I came from a wealthy family. Okay, I did, but now my father's business is starting (has been) to take quite a hit in our, "Yeah Wal-Mart!" society.

When I was little I would read books and play with my dolls. I would cook and color and make clubhouses. Gone are those days. I still read, but not nearly as many books. I still cook and I still color (it's true). I write and practice my cello. Hmmm. . .I guess I have it pretty good. Now if only I could just relax. My back hurts.


Leaf, Branch, Bark & Root said...

Sometimes a cryfest is just what the doctor ordered. Ironic, isn't it?

Unknown said...

I hope it works out for you. Once you start the Medical School application process it's going to get even more tight.

Unknown said...

petri - I know, and that worries me a bit, but I guess I'll figure it out when the time comes. Usually I like to plan very far ahead, but I've found that only makes me more stressed. No MCAT scores yet. . .

Jeffrey Parks MD FACS said...

I stopped buying khakis years ago. i'm a messy dude. Those beige, off-white colors seemed
to suck all the grit and slime out of whatever room I happened to be in. I'm a chino's guy now. Chino and Khaki. Sounds like some sitcom that lasts about 4 episodes.