
Sometimes we just need a comfortable spot to stop and put up our feet. This is mine. Enjoy.

Friday, August 17, 2007

The MCAT Bites Back

I often wonder what I did to deserve this. I'm now on strike two for the MCATs, but I think I'm going to go with it. I really don't think I can do any better. This makes me sad, because unless I'm a total fool and have no concept of myself and my abilities, I think I'd be a darn good surgeon. Such is the crisis of being a musician. I learn by watching and listening. I think I'd be great in my residency, but I have to get there first. My ability to abstract material from dense passages is marginal. The funny thing is, I don't think really brilliant people are happy as doctors. Take me! Take me!

So I was thinking, usually the people who post there gilded scores for all to see did a wonderful job. I, on the other hand, am utterly average. It hurts. My ego is wounded. I will never get to go to a really great school. One dream dashed. I know everyone says it doesn't matter, you can still be a doctor, but it still hurts. What do you call the person who finishes lowest in there medical school class? Yeah, I know. I'm not horribly upset, just sad - damn sad.

What about being a DO? I worry about that route, because I want to be a surgeon, not a GP.

Yet again I must wait. Will I get in? Will they take me? I hate feeling like a beggar, because I really feel like I have something to give. I was reading Dr. Atul Gawand's biography, and I can't help but think, "Did he really deserve all of that? Why not share a slice with me?"

So, do you have any great stories? Words of encouragement or consolation? Anybody in medical school score lower than me? I think I'll go pick weeds. . .


Unknown said...

well, i don't know how you did, but you can compare to mine because i posted it. I found that my score was in general good enough not to be an issue but not really help. The DO route is perfectly acceptable. It may be harder to get into surgery, but then you sound like you enjoy a challenge. Take heart, there are always options for the determined.

DC Med Student said...

I think I was in the same boat as Petri. My score (10,10,10) was good enough not to be an issue, but I don't think it helped me any. Don't worry about the school. Concentrate on getting those interviews because once you get your foot in the door, I'm sure you'll shine! Try not to think of the admin process as begging. Continue to show interest. Follow up on your apps. Sell yourself. And learn to like it because you'll be doing it over and over again - research positions, residency, fellowship, etc. I would give DO schools a shot. It can only give you more options. Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Thanks guys (I'm assuming you're both men). I'll post it, because I need to get over myself. I got a 24 (7, 8, 9), and the first time I got a 24 (6, 8, 10). At least this is a better breakdown, and my physics score went from a 6 to a 9. However, my biology went from 10 to 7. It's frustrating, because with the Kaplan course I never got anything lower than a 25. My bio looks pretty interesting though, and my GPA is fairly cushy. I graduated from music school with a 3.98, and my science GPA is about a 3.7. Why don't you write a "how to get into medical school" post?

scalpel said...

Any score that is good enough to get you accepted is fine. Nobody will care about your MCAT scores once you get your spot.

Even your medical school grades only need to be good enough to get your residency of choice. You really learn how to be a physician in residency, not in medical school.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I actually made a 23 the first time...so there are plenty of people who don't do well. I think we just tend to stay quiet from embarassment. Waiting on my 2nd retake score right now. It's kinda painful to wait...I cried so hard after the retake from all the emotional build-up. One of my friends also made a 23 the first time & later retook to got a fairly average score (below 30). He still got into a Top 25 med school. There is hope. We'll both just have to keep trying. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

enjoying your blog, I commend you on submitting those applications! I took the mcat twice and voided my score before I finally allowed myself to keep my score.. still waiting for the results. there are always obstacles in pursuing your dream, it wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't hard.